About Gurujaya


According to the philosophies of Asian cultures including Hinduism and Buddhism as well as early civilizations like Chinese, Egyptian and later Greek civilizations, they believe incarnation and destiny of a person and these old philosophy and traditions gave birth to the one of the oldest fields called astrology and its’ related branches, this knowledge has been successfully applied to build great civilizations and cultures since beginning of the human history on earth.  These were one of key fields taught to the kings and their royal members of family, their minsters and advisors to build great dynasties and empires.

Every person who is born on this earth comes with his or her good and bad “Karmas (karma: good and bad deeds, words and thoughts, a person does, utters and thinks in his life) of present life and previous series of innumerable birth cycles. The astrology and its’ branch fields are built on this foundation. This series of cycles of births are called “Samsara” in Buddhism which is termed as journal of births in western astrology today.

I would like to rephrased this term as “journal of “Samsarawhich we were born with, were shaped and formed with physically, psychologically and spiritually!

I reach and study a person who comes to me through five main approaches which comes under umbrella term of ASTROLOGY.

(Astrology a vast field with many branch disciplines which is defined as a science of light in Vedic system of India and in great civilizations; a field related to the planets their positions to which was primarily used in agriculture to predict rain, drouth and floods (natural water cycles) then it was applied for building great structures later on it was adapted to predict destiny of a person, understand the qualities of servicemen in royal duty and used for wars and then for rituals and used for success and prosperity of people and this has been used as a torch light to prevent bad karmas to happen and clear road blocks of person’s life.)

Palm Reading

Palm reading is a divination practice that analyzes the lines, shapes, and markings on a person's palm to reveal insights about their life and character.

Horoscope Reading

Horoscope reading involves interpreting the positions of celestial bodies to provide insights and predictions about an individual's life and personality traits.

Namakshara and Ghana

(“Namakshara” first letter of name, “ghanavowels, syllabals and consonant sounds involved in pronunciation of name, the audible frequency of name) and Numerology


Energy reading and adjustments of your residing space (indoor & outdoor)

Quantum Treatments

Quantum treatments utilize principles of quantum mechanics to promote healing and balance by working with the body's energy field.

Mauris blandit aliquet

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